My love for British architecture and grandeur is still going strong, so I had to share this new property on the Shoot Factory location home roster. Almost 9,000 sq ft with 6 bedrooms over 6 floors, the architecture inside and out just blows my mind. The decor is a random mix of awesome and questionable pieces but dear lawd, THERE IS SO MUCH SPACE TO WORK WITH! It’s so crazy that every stair landing has enough space that they are like separate little rooms. OMG!!
Spiffy Spools says:
Seems like the consistency and flow is lost across so much space. There are bit of sheer genius and then some totally random garish pieces. Not sure how I feel about this one… thanks for sharing though…yet another interesting browse!
Susan Lawson says:
What I wouldn't give for light like that!
K-Line says:
I LOVE it.
xavier says:
Love the architecture, so much space!
Dawn says:
You always share the best eye candy; thank you!!
Tyson says:
Wow. That is one of the tackiest places I've ever seen on here. Am I missing something?
Moyra says:
Elegance personified. That dreamy blue drawing room…what a place to rest yourself after a hard day. Not bad at all!