I’m still reeling from the crowded chaos of my Christmas shopping. It’s time for another getaway to calm my jangled nerves and as for those of you facing the long, bleak hours of a hump day at work I’m guessing you’d like a virtual escape too. How about the soothing pastel prettiness of London’s Leman Locke Hotel by Grzywinski+Pons? I love the play of powder-puff pastels against the raw concrete and the modern minimalism. Meet you in the bar for a drink. Something pink perhaps?
Dakwerken says:
Wow! No words to describe this! I never knew that pastels would look so great! Thanks for sharing the pics!
Dakwerken says:
Wow! No words to describe this! I never knew that pastels would look so great! Thanks for sharing the pics!
Rainbow Zomby says:
Looking good!