The headline says it all. We don’t feature children’s rooms very much on the blog. I guess it’s because neither Kim nor I have any of our own. I’d like to say that if I did I’d love a room like this for them but truth be told I would have loved a room like this for me growing up. You see I’ve got a thing for slides. L’habitació d’en Guillem by Barcelona-based interior designer Marta Castellano. Photos: Davide Pellegrini (You can see more of her work here.)
Photography by Davide Pellegrini
axie says:
As a parent, I can't help wondering how long this room will actually stay this neat? 🙂
I see too many kid's rooms in magazines that look like they are designed for mini adults- too chic and stylish for a kid. But this one looks like tons of fun!
axie says:
As a parent, I can't help wondering how long this room will actually stay this neat? 🙂
I see too many kid's rooms in magazines that look like they are designed for mini adults- too chic and stylish for a kid. But this one looks like tons of fun!