You know how I often jest about packing my bags and moving into the houses I virtually stalk? This time I really am booking a flight, knocking on the door and politely, but very firmly, muscling my way in. Designed in 2000 by architect Allan Powell and with gardens by Eckersley Garden Architecture (2014), I’m at a loss for words. I wouldn’t change a thing if it was mine accept my address. It’s perfect… well almost. I won’t be able to afford it. Listing here while it lasts.
vinod says:
Thanks nice article and images
Christina says:
How lovely it would be to sit under those purple flowers.
marjo says:
You'd like to accept this lovely home as yours and change nothing except your address.
Melanie says:
I love how Melbourne always looks like Melbourne–the light, the style, ach, my fave. Great stalk!
midcenturyjo says:
My current address Marjo 😉