The romance of a New York loft. Large open spaces, exposed brick, massive columns holding up equally massive beams and the windows, oh the windows! This Soho loft by Drew McGukin Interiors is an eclectic mix of urban chic, vintage finds, industrial riffs and personal treasures. It’s stylish yet relaxed and real.
Taste of France says:
I always wonder about heavy drapes in front of radiators. Wouldn't they block the heat at night in winter? And wouldn't the radiators/heat ruin the drapes?
Lucy says:
Taste of France – the heat coming from the old cast-iron radiators is not enough to ruin or burn the drapes, and the room stays warm. The cast iron is thick and they don't get as hot to the touch as newer European-style radiators seem to. When we first moved into our century-old rowhouse, we got creative about decorating around them. We've put in short black-out liners behind the drapes that don't cover the radiators and put drapes in rooms in which we don't draw them, so these may be some of the solutions that you don't see in design photos. But last year we put drapes in a bedroom in which we do pull them shut and we've had no issues. It just looks a little awkward when they're drawn, but most of the time we're asleep so it's not bothering us 😉
Lauren Massarell says:
This loft is stunning!!! I love it.