Monday’s pets on furniture

Posted on Mon, 2 Jul 2018 by KiM

If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #DTIpetsonfurniture. Thanks!

Merlin 💚

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A new hiding spot 😼 #munchandfin

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This is Puddha, our 22 year old cat. We adopted her when she was 4 years old. She spends most of her time sleeping now and this is one of her favourite spots. She’s a lovely presence 
– Ann (New Zealand)

And a few from me off my phone (typically from my instagram stories or my cats’ account). Former feral Frankie sleeping on my vintage settee – one of his favourite spots. Lucky sleeping on his back in our bed. He always sleeps on his back or in a pair of shoes. WEIRDO! And Frankie again, enjoying my spot at the dining table.

ombia says:

I also had a tomcat named Lucky and he was sleeping in the same Position. I miss him so much.

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