If you would like to participate in the Monday’s pets on furniture series please send photos, your name, location and a brief description to kim[at]desiretoinspire[dot]net, or hashtag your photos on Instagram with #dtipetsonfurniture. Thanks!
8-month-old Daisy June was rescued from a dumpster when very tiny and now she is the delight of our home.
– April (Hartford, Wisconsin)
And some from me. 1 – Taken at my twin sister’s on New years Day of her huge pup Benson. 2 – Felix lounging on a pillow on the sofa. 3 – Felix in the same spot being bothered by his buddy Frankie. 4 – Lot of cuddling happens in winter in my house. Frankie snuggling into Phoebe.
violetta says:
Lovely as always
Patricia Rauss says:
So heartwarming. Precious beyond belief. I could keep scrolling up and down forever. Just the best when you love animals. What a shot of the cat stretching…adorable…