What Is Covered Under House Insurance?

Posted on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 by Guest

It’s a question that is on the mind of every homeowner, especially if they are buying a house for the first time: which worst-case-scenarios are your homeowners insurance policy capable of covering, and which will still fall onto your shoulders alone?

We will discuss what will be covered under a standard policy in this write up. Of course, the first thing worst mention is that simply having a policy is essential – and, without it, you will be the one stuck paying the bill in terms of repairs and maintenance, no matter what goes wrong.

Before you purchase a house insurance policy yourself, however, you need to know what needs to be covered in order to feel confident that your future is secured. What are you getting for what you pay? Why skimp on an insurance policy that won’t cover everything? Or worse yet, why pay more for extra? Isn’t it about time you saved your money and re-invested it in something completely different?

Keep in mind that while some insurance plans can cover the basics and then some, other plans may lack it. If you want to know what coverage to expect in an insurance policy, keep reading. Let’s dive right in:

1. Environmental damage

Nature can be a destructive force at times. And it will depend on what part of the country you’re in. If you are in the middle of tornado alley, then your house could get damaged by a tornado.

If you live near a flood prone area, your yard or home may be partially submerged if you live close to a flood zone. Environmental damage will usually be covered under an insurance policy regardless of the insurer.

2. Fire damage

Fire damage can occur due to causes both within or beyond your control. Your home can face minor damage, or it could burn down completely – and you will certainly want to ensure that you and your possessions are covered.

You may lose personal items due to a fire. Whether it can be replaced or not may depend on the policy – and that is why it is so incredibly important that you take the time to read through the policy before signing it.

3. Theft protection

Burglaries happen every 30 seconds. Most of the time, things can go missing. For this reason, you will need an insurance policy that will replace any items that may have been stolen from the home.

While it is important to keep your doors locked when you’re not home, burglaries can still happen. There are those who can find creative ways to gain access into your house and make off with some items that may be valuable to them.

4. Injuries/Liabilities

Someone could slip or fall in your driveway. Whatever danger is present on your property, you may be held liable – even if it’s an ice patch. This could result in you paying medical bills or even legal fees should a lawsuit arise.

With an insurance policy, your insurer will take care of these expenses on your behalf. You usually won’t pay out of pocket most of the time. But it’s a lot better than having to.

5. Uninhabitable conditions

While it may be a difficult scenario to consider, it is entirely possible for a home to turn into an uninhabitable space in the blink of an eye – and without any warming. Granted, this may be a temporary thing but, even then, dealing with the clear up while trying to find (and pay for) temporary accommodation is an incredibly difficult and stressful undertaking.

With the right insurance, your expenses will be covered until you’re on your feet again. This will prove invaluable if the worst ever does happen, and you face days, weeks, or even months without being able to re-enter your home.

Why do Some Homeowners Shy Away from House Insurance?

While house insurance is a necessity, it’s completely optional whether you want to be covered or not. Unfortunately, most people choose not to get covered for one reason: the cost. On top of that, they also want an insurance policy that may cover the basics (while omitting the rest).

So they will feel confused about what’s covered within their policy and what isn’t covered. This is what makes choosing an insurance policy so complicated at times. However, you don’t have to worry about the complexity that comes with choosing a policy – understanding what your non-negotiables are, and ensuring that you read carefully through the policy before signing, will mean that you can cast fears over future worst-case-scenarios from you mind as you settle into homeownership.

Suzanne Melton says:

I have a question about earthquake insurance.

Are the premiums figured as $x per square foot? If not, how are they figured?

Thank you…

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