Doing something a little different today to get in the holiday spirit. And to do that I always gravitate towards Sköna hem because as is the case with this Swedish farm (built in 1854), the Swedes really know how to do simple holiday décor really well. Happy holidays! (Photos: Johanna Hagbard)
axie says: been so ready for the holiday spirit to hit for a while now! And of course, the Favorites 🙂
What a lovely, cozy home. Simple Scandinavian design proves that it’s much more about the feeling of the holidays with friends and family or just all wrapped up by the fire alone with great music and a good book than about the commercialism
Let the hollidays begin!
axie says:
ok, never mind- I just brought out all the Christmas stuff and now my place looks like a Christmas shop.. :))
April says:
Sweet. And that staircase……wow.