It’s almost the weekend and I’m dreaming and scheming of a getaway. The recently refurbished Daunt’s Albatross in Montauk on the east end of the Long Island peninsula looks like just the spot for a group of us. Now in my daydream, it’s summer and we explore the beaches and hike the trails or if it’s cold like now then we snuggle by the fire and indulge in the restaurants. Either way, the stylish yet relaxed new look for this family-run hotel is by Brooklyn-based interior designers Home Studios.
Photography by Brian Ferry
axie says:
I love it! As someone who stayed in so many of those seaside motels back in the – ahem- old days, I really have a soft spot for them. I’ll happily join you round the bonfire, Jo- will there be s’mores too?
midcenturyjo says:
And a wiener roast too!
axie says:
Now I’m hungry 🙂