Originally built as a Tailors called Smith and Hobbs which employed several seamstresses working on the old Singer sewing machines and producing fine quality suits and tweed mostly for the hunting and racing set. A Grade-II listed building, the property was completely restored to its current shape in 2103 by uber-cool Gloucestershire-based salvage and vintage firm Original House. In keeping with the regulations, the exterior had to be kept as close to its original appearance as possible, so a specialist was brought in to strip off the old cladding and replace it. With its new, immaculate coat of corrugated iron, the building has clear visual links to its manufacturing past. The newly-created space, intended to be used both for entertaining and as a guest house, was designed to feel wonderfully cool and contemporary, forming a real contrast between the outside and inside. Feeling far from traditional or fusty, The Old Tailors mixes vintage industrial furniture and lighting with contemporary design and colours, creating a unique salvaged interior topped with freshness and individuality and all the charm and character that history can provide.
Book your stay at this fabulous little getaway here. Photos: Emma Lewis.
Gloria says:
2103!? 🙂
KiM says:
Do you want to tell them or should I their site has a typo? 😉