Inside this Tudor-style home on the outskirts of Antwerp, Belgium, a richly layered scheme with roots in traditional English decoration which confidently straddles the tricky balance between lavish and liveable. “The resulting look, with its sense of whimsy and occasional eccentric touches, is calm, never chaotic, and has the easy charm of a home that has gently evolved over time.”
How could you not be smiling ear to ear upon entering this home? This is so fabulously maximalist, and I know some of you might be immediately thinking this is too much, but you have to appreciate designer Stephanie Barba Mendoza‘s unique and creative vision and her ballsy approach with the decor.
barbward says:
Oh Lordy, the icing on the cake. And who doesn’t like icing?
Suzanne Melton says:
I love everything about this!
Every once in a while, you post a wall of “shelf sconces” and they inspired me to collect various shelf sconces at auction. I think I’m up to fifteen.
My plan is to use them to display all my Pipkin & Bonnet miniature Victorian hats.