WINKS – weekend links. Here we list what has come in during the week, things we’ve found and things we think you’ll want to see. If you’d like to see your blog or website featured email us and if we think it fits with our readers we’ll link you. So what’s in this week? (A little short this week. Apologies but lots for next week!)
Classic and elegant but also colourful and vibrant, these rooms are by interior designer Robert Brown. Robert started his design career in fashion and it tells. There is a couturier feel to these spaces, a touch of fine finishing and luxury details. Can I use that now cliche about pops of colour? These are sophisticated designs with a sophisticated colour palette!
William Hefner Architecture (architect William Hefner and interior designer Kazuko Hoshino) are as concerned with interior space as they are with exterior. Their work, though crossing many styles, is timeless and elegant with an appreciation of natural materials and the craftsmanship and art of building. Theirs is an extensive portfolio (lots of eye candy) covering residential and commercial architecture, interior and landscape design as well as sustainable design. Too many pictures to share here. Click over to the website for so much more.
Stylists have talents I truly envy. Jolanda Burkhard has a great eye and a confidence in using less to draw you into her work. Check out her portfolio. It is clean and crisp and modern but also at times cosy and rustic. I’ve included a couple of non room pics too. The colours grabbed me. That orange and pink combo? Fabulous eye candy.
What is it about a well designed modern space that is so appealing? These are residences created by New York based architectural firm MR Architecture + Decor. Elegant, “lean”, almost zen like at times these homes are not cold and hard. They’re inviting in their minimalism. It takes great discipline to live like this but oh what a wonderful freedom to surround yourself with just a few precious pieces in a crisply designed space.