Rasterbating on a Saturday

Posted on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 by midcenturyjo

Things are happening in my office. I have a large double sliding door cupboard that gives away the room’s original purpose as a bedroom. So I rasterbated (or is that rasterized) this classic 60s b&w photo (At the Cavern Nightclub, Liverpool, 1963, by Lewis Morley) and popped it up. Popped is not the word. I had to blu-tack it because this is a rental and it took forever! The chair is my new thrifted office chair, a bargain at $10. The 70s light box coffee table I’ve had for a while. I’m going to upholster it in the last of my Sydney bus roll fabric. Not sure of the kilim I have on the floor at the moment. I love it to pieces even though it has badly faded on one side. I’ll have to wait till the houndstooth modular suite comes back before I make up my mind. Where’s my computer? Inside the cupboard. But that’s a work in progress. Oh and I’m one row short in the photo so that still has to be fixed. Gotta love Saturdays when you get a decorating punch for pennies.

(Twelve down 58 to go!!!)

Jo and Kim together at last!

Posted on Fri, 28 Sep 2007 by midcenturyjo

Here we are together at last…… and this is where we’ll be from October 1 for the week. Yes we’re guest blogging on design*sponge! How exciting!!!! But don’t worry we’re gluttons for punishment. We’ll still be posting here for the week so it’ll be a double dose of desire to inspire. ( As Kim and I have never met I thought I’d draw us together. It’ll be a while before we can get together for a photograph!)

P.S. Kim’s the one with the short hair.

Derek Swalwell

Posted on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 by midcenturyjo

Melbourne based photographer Derek Swalwell has a fascination for architecture and form. It shows. He delves into a setting and finds the essence of what the art director or designer wants to convey. Beautiful images, talented photographer. Check out the rest of his portfolio here.

Pia Bijkerk

Posted on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 by midcenturyjo

Pia Bijkerk is an Australian stylist/photographer/writer who emailed to share her website. “I am in Paris working on interior projects for Paris clients as well as working on the makings of my first book. I work between Paris, Amsterdam and Sydney, juggling (or continually working on a balance as I like to tell myself!) between magazine, advertising and interior projects.” Pia’s worked for Marie Claire, Real Simple, Vogue Entertaining + Travel to name drop just a few. Beautiful website, great work and cute “definition” on the front page. We just had to share her work with you.

Retro …. ready?

Posted on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 by midcenturyjo

Yeah! That time again. Suspend your disbelief and wind back your taste meter. This weeks scans are from The Practical Encyclopedia of Good Decorating and Home Improvement, Vol 1, Greystone Press, New York, 1970. Love this set of books. So much to inspire!