Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Posted on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 by midcenturyjo

A little touch of the Irish. Green, a colour much maligned but look again. Fun, offbeat and unexpected. Have a wonderful Paddies Day and don’t drink too much Guinness unless you really have to.

Boligtorvet Inside Out
Elle Decor Living etc
Gudrun Sjoden Bolig Magasinet
Home Magazine Australian Vogue Living


Posted on Thu, 15 Mar 2007 by midcenturyjo

Woke up this morning Australian time , read my emails, looked at the stat counter…..and fell off my chair. Our hits had gone through the roof. Why? Because the wonderful Heather B. Armstrong had posted us on her iconic blog dooce.

I squealed like a little pig with joy. Kim did too when I told her. Thank you Heather. As a 6 week old blog we are overwhelmed by the support and encouragement the blogosphere is giving us. And a big thank you to all of you who read this little blog. It makes it all worthwhile to know that you like what we do. Now on with more room porn!!

Mark Cutler Design

Posted on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 by midcenturyjo

During the week I received an email from an interior designer in L.A., Mark Cutler. He grew up in Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Now he’s an amazingly talented designer with a celebrity clientele, a great portfolio and a blog where he showcases his work, reveals sources, helps with design questions and gives great advice. Here are some of my favourites from his portfolio. And don’t forget to click over to his blog. You’ll love it!

D’Ette Cole

Posted on Fri, 9 Mar 2007 by midcenturyjo

My wunderkammer wanderings led me to D’Ette Cole’s site. Amazing, inspiring, at times confronting for the minimalists of you out there. If clutter is not your thing look away now.


Posted on Wed, 7 Mar 2007 by midcenturyjo

A wunderkammer, or cabinet of curiosities, is a place to gather your treasured collections. More than that…. the weird, the wonderful, the found and discarded. Nature’s detritus or man made discards. A collection may contain the truly beautiful or the down right bizarre. This post started out as a look at how to display collections but I was quickly drawn into the wonder of the cabinet of curiosities.

D’ette Cole Australian Vogue Living
Suzy Hoodless Australian Vogue Living
New York Social Diary Chista
kirchen.net Wunderkammer
Australian Vogue Living My friends’ house via The Courier Mail.

Check out Wunderkammer, Urban Prairie and Victoria’s post on Aria to wander futher in the notion of wunderkammer.