Ah the stuff of dreams. An apartment in the Latin quarter with a view. Not just any view but large windows filled with the Panthéon in all its perfection. Double height living room or should I say salone or even more so library. Then there is the art, the clean lines of the furniture, the sweeping staircase, a simple yet stylish modern kitchen and did I mention those windows and the access to a small balcony? Yes it is the stuff of Parisian dreams. “Panthéon” by Hélène Van Marcke.
I am a major fan of the designs of Berlin architecture and design firm Gisbert Pöppler because of their bold choices for furnishings, art and colour schemes. This apartment is typical of their work with drama in all 3 of those areas. I featured photos from this kitchen several years ago but its time to share the entire space. It’s museum-like yet has a coziness to it which I love.
I think if all we featured were Parisian flats, the world would be a better place. LOL! Here is yet another beauty located in this heavenly French city designed by Spanish interior designer Isabel López-Quesada. A pied-à-terre for the homeowners who clearly have a thing for modern art and Isabel has given it a funky boutique hotel feel. This has me feeling all the feels for that mustard yellow carpet in the living room. So simple yet it is the perfect dose of bold colour. (Photos: Ricardo Labougle)
Find more of Isabel’s work here
The lovely folks at Magic Linen must have sensed that my duvet cover was driving me insane (who doesn’t put a closure on their duvet cover?!) and that I absolutely adore linen. They are based in Lithuania and kindly let me choose a duvet cover and pillow cases for my bedroom. When they arrived I squealed in delight. I chose the woodrose colour and it is the perfect shade of dusty rose (and to note that they have every size duvet imaginable). I was a bit nervous about how it would look with my very strange wall colour (Farrow & Ball’s Mouse’s Back) but I was thankful that it they are both fairly “earthy” so they seem to jive together. And lawd half mursey their linen is TO DIE FOR. This might just be my favourite linen out there. It has a fairly thick weave, and is incredibly soft thanks to their stone-washing technique. I had to wait a few days before putting it on the bed because I didn’t have time to take photos when they arrived and of course cat fur is abundant in my bedroom so once I was finally able to it turned out I wasn’t the only one in love with the new linens. Mimin and Lucky wasted no time getting into my shots and a few minutes later, passing out. A huge thank you Magic Linen for adding some luxury to my bedroom. (Also on that note: their price point for this quality cannot be beat). I added a couple of photos at the end of my gallery wall opposite the bed that I recently rearranged.
What do you do when you see a grand space with high end finishes, expensive art and covetable “it” furniture? Do you shake your head and say “Well that’s no good for me. I don’t live in a grand old house and can’t afford any of this.” Do you take note of finishes, how art is hung and stairs built to translate them into your more ordinary home? Does a Casa in Venice become just a colour palette? Or is there the urge to be adventurous, to be bold, to seize your design geist and just go with it, whatever it may be? I may never live in a space like the Casa in Campo Santa Maria Formosa in Venice by Massimo Adario Architetto but, oh my, it sets my imagination racing.