Displaying posts labeled "Kitchen"

Help for a chick’s pad – part 2

Posted on Fri, 26 Feb 2010 by KiM

Galley kitchens

Posted on Thu, 18 Feb 2010 by KiM

I figured it was about time for another reader request. This one comes from Marisa: “We bought a 1950’s house a few years ago and are (finally) ready to start planning our kitchen renovation. It’s terrible! Three layers of stick-on tiles, fake wood countertops, “custom” lighting. However, most inspiration kitchens are open plan, while ours is galley – and no potential to be otherwise because every wall in this house is cement block. Weird! Would you be willing to find some galley kitchen inspiration photos?” Simple enough request. Here ya go Marisa! (OMG aren’t cement walls a b*tch?!)

Hus & Hem Sköna hem
Jessica Lagrange Jordi Canosa
New Old House Belmont Freeman Architects
Thom Filicia design*sponge

Apartment Therapy
Hus & Hem
The Modern House
Forma Design
David Baker + Partners

Apartment Therapy

Bolig Magasinet
Living etc.
Marie Claire Maison
House & Garden

Dining in the kitchen

Posted on Wed, 3 Feb 2010 by KiM

Stacy emailed us recently asking for some inspiration for her sis: “We live in a very expensive “city” in the US, full of retirees, so the only affordable houses are either falling apart or brand new cookie cutter subdivision types. My sister and her husband are in the process of buying a new house and have chosen the new option. The kitchen, of course, consists of an L shape…counters, cooktop, fridge, sink, dishwasher etc with no island or even room for one. I was wondering if you have a collection of rooms where the eating table is inside the kitchen? I would like to show her how she can make it look less boring in there.” Hopefully the following photos of small-ish kitchens with mini dining areas will help Stacy’s sister spice up her blah kitchen.

Svenska Stylistgruppen John Loecke
A Beautiful Living Apartment Therapy
design*sponge Domino
Apartment Therapy Apartment Therapy
COMMA design*sponge
Domino New York Times
Sofie Lawett Zege

Apartment Therapy
Kate Hume
Elle Decor
Sköna hem
Marie Claire Maison
atelier zürich
Marie Claire Maison

Flickr finds – bar stools

Posted on Sun, 31 Jan 2010 by KiM

Flickr finds – pot racks

Posted on Sun, 17 Jan 2010 by KiM