Brian Andriola encore

Posted on Fri, 18 Jun 2010 by midcenturyjo

Beauty is everywhere… the motto of American stylist Brian Andriola.  He gathers and layers and weaves beauty. The ordinary and extraordinary combine. Everyday becomes spectacular.  It’s not just curating, it’s telling a story, creating a dream. Kim first introduced us to Brian’s work in 2008 via his then rep’s site but now Brian has his own website brimming with all things bright and beautiful. Bliss!









Karen Novak says:

The branch if you look closely is in a tall cylinder, still a would place rocks, marbles or whatever to give it weight to give it a little more stablility.

Charu says:

lovely pics… very refreshing colours..
loved the first pic.. please tell me where to get that shower curtain.. it can brighten up anyone’s bath

All these images are breathtaking… just beautiful!

Every single detail is pure perfection!
XO Piper

hjmart says:

Absolutely stunning! I love every picture!

Roseanna says:

I believe there is a floral "frog" built into the bottom of the bowl. These bowls are used as you know in Japanese floral arrangements.
That is my guess…it does sort of look like the bed is supporting it also. Gorgeous photos, talented for sure!

Lavender says:

Lot of speculation on the maple branch that was likely suspended from the ceiling or wall just for this photo shoot. Not likely that such a tall and weighty object could be supported from a floral frog.

And fret not, Sey, commenting on the 18th of June…it is not a "whole child tree", just a little bit of pruned nature brought inside to finesse a little magic on a charming bedroom space. Your sympathy would be more worthily directed at the thousand of acres of rainforest being mowed down in Brazil.

And as for all the other photos, Brian Andriola is definately a colourist supreme. Lovely.

Brian Andriola says:

Thank you Desire to Inspire for taking the time to highlight my work! Wow.
The selection of images you have span years of practice, learning every bit along
the way. Of course we all make mistakes and so for those of you questioning the
tree, well thats not something I would do again. For the other comments and praise,
thank you so much.
Keep creating, Brian Andriola

Marina Andriola says:

Brian has always created welcoming havens, even for the frogs he used to catch (and release) as a boy. As far as that branch, yes, Lavender is right. Brian would never destroy nature for a shoot. But as his proud Mom, I have seen him defy design logic and even gravity at times, which is why his rooms are so magical!

chiara says:

Oh, Brian! These are gorgeous. I love the one of the set table looking out onto the field. Xo, Chiara

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