Today’s our last look at Inside Today’s Home, 4th Edition by Ray & Sarah Faulkner, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York, 1975. What a treasure trove of “interesting” 70s rooms it’s proved! Can’t get enough of these old design books. What about you?
Always meant to ask orangered whether I convert you to the true “dark side” and the next big thing – the 80s? And damnitpc I have no idea what you’re talking about!!!! 😉
pia says:
how beautiful is that second space, you find the greatest retro rooms jo!
Sol says:
the last photo is soooooo Mexico.
Phoe says:
Love it!
damnitpc says:
whoa, vagina rug.
orangered says:
thanks as usual (fierce undying 70’s lust!)
midcenturyjo says:
Always meant to ask orangered whether I convert you to the true “dark side” and the next big thing – the 80s? And damnitpc I have no idea what you’re talking about!!!! 😉