Nusara sent us an email not long after we launched the new blog with a link to photos of her apartment. She is sadly leaving these digs soon to move into a new home that her and her husband just purchased. I love the fresh and bright vibe of her home and some of the little tricks she used to pimp it out with the restrictions she had as a renter. Have fun decorating your new home Nusara – be sure to send us pics!
Heart this school desk (found on the street….gave it a new life with Benjamin Moore paint)The travel wall
The beauty of duct tape. Looks just like paint when you can’t paint your rental.
Electrical tape works wonder too
My “restaurant.” Unwanted table from the neighbor. Benjamin Moore brought it back to life.Our cooking motto on the kitchen wall
Favorite room of the house. Thanks to easy-to-remove wallpaper
H says:
im now curious about Benjamin Moore paints. wonder if yellow looks good.
Monika/eco-stylista says:
Lost of great ideas to steal! I am also renting and find it hard to decorate without touching the wall. Where is the wallpaper from? I love it!
vicki (simply hue) says:
Wow, you have to have the most gorgeous room photos on the web! Thankyou for sharing such beauty with us. 🙂
Eric says:
The ductape trick is AMAZING! But I also wonder if it pulls paint off the wall. Maybe I will try a little piece on my wall someday.
monica says:
love the orange carpet! where’s it from?
jikits says:
These are beautiful and inspiring. Just the right amount of color and so liveable and cozy. Love the blue table, orange rug, travel wall and removeable wallpaper.
BBT says:
Is that painters tape or duct tape.. I was thinking abt doing the same thing but couldn’t find black painters tape.. Love the Paneling effect! and love the orange moroccan carpet – pottery barn, i think?
becky says:
Holy Composition! I want to take half of those, blow them up, and use them as a guide for paintings! Especially that one with the brown stairs on the left and the rug on the right.
It is only when I try to take pictures of my own home that I truly recognize how hard it is to make interior photos this beautiful.
Hannah :) says:
I am in love with how many colors you have in your haouse! What a wonderful way to express your true personality! That’s what I call a house! 😀
Nusara says:
Thanks everyone!! Here are the answers to the questions above:
1) Wallpaper is from Sherwin -Williams online decorating store ( They sell easy-to-remove, pre-pasted wallpaper. Mostly outdated and ugly ones, but there are some really good gem hidden. It peeled out so easily. Leave no mark or residue.
Search for this code for the one I used in the bathroom: SW0SD16782 (it also come in gold and darker metallic silver)
2) The rug is from Pottery Barn indeed. Got it when it was on sale so not sure if they still carry the same style.
3) Duck tape works great. If you peel it out very slowly, your wall should still be in tact. For the electrical tape, it will leave slight mark, but easy to use white paint to touch up.
4) Lastly, Benjamin moore paint is the best! Good coverage, easy to apply and beautiful color. I’m using their new line – Natura. No smell, great colors!