Retro baby! Yah!

Posted on Mon, 22 Feb 2010 by midcenturyjo

As the sun slowly sets over this last chapter of The Apartment Book, by the editors of Apartment Life magazine, Meredith Corporation, 1980 we bid farewell to perms and platforms, chunky sofas and chunky food props. The 70s are slowly morphing into the 80s and if we didn’t know better we’d be predicting back in the day the final domination of the planet by house plants. Oh how I love this first picture. A market garden in old tins (including if you look closely Pepsi). I’m speechless as to why and you’d be too if you realised that out of “shot” (or scan in this case… it couldn’t all fit on the scanner bed) is a bedroom. A market garden in recycled cans bedroom. Only in the 70s!


Martha says:

Hmmm… So Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five may have been summing up 70’s interiors – It’s like a jungle sometimes!

These really made me laugh. It made me wonder though, did they have set stylists at the time? 🙂 My guess is, they must have been heavily in to organic food from the farm.

Carole says:

Sadly, I do remember the trend to fill a house with plants. I think the reason we don’t do it anymore is that they simply don’t survive unless your house is made of glass! These did make me chuckle though.

AMAZING Shots! Inspiring!

the zhush says:

I seriously can not get enough of these!!! Love the blonde wood butcher block table, really takes me back, so retro…not to mention all that BREAD! in our carb conscious world we live in now!

Solblomst says:

cool! I love this style SO much.

Steph says:

I love the plants in the vintage cans. And I think I had those beige throw pillows with the fringies when I was growing up!

oh holland says:

What were we thinking then?

And why is it that whatever our current state of design may be, it is immensely superior to prior design eras we muddled through … but of course, ten years from now someone will comment of the fabulous twenty-aughts, "what were we thinking then?"

oregonbird says:

Pictures to taunt the rest of the world. A dozen loaves of bread, an entire farmer’s market, piles of fruit left in a deserted room — we’ve got it to waste! There’s no doubt that the 80’s were coming. Was there really NO social conscience then — and is there much more now?

Monica says:

Just wanted to say I get a total kick out of all these old 70s lifestyle photos. Keep ’em coming! 🙂

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