Kim and I have a thing about church conversions. We’ve committed the deadly sins of lust and envy quite a number of times over the years. (The evidence of our religious obsessions can be found here.) Thanks to reader Paul we can now covet this conversion of the former Tattykeeran Church. It’s even for sale. Maybe your prayers have been answered….. sorry about the bad puns!
Alexandra says:
Now this is ONE converted church I'd move into in a second. Love!
Melanie says:
I LOVE converted churches and this one is just beautiful! Keep 'em coming!
Tom says:
This place could be very nice.
That poor ficus tree is going to die in that church.
They need a better stager to bring out the true beauty of this place.
Gabrielle says:
Sorry guys, I think this church has really been violated.
Tina says:
I want to live here. I love seeing well converted buildings.
Molly says:
It is divine!
(Love puns)
Shylo says:
Oh I loved it. As a design junkie I look at a constant stream of cool spaces on the internet, and this one moved me to finally comment – Awesome!
Courtney says:
I love church conversions too!! This one is absolutely stunning. Keep 'em coming gals!
Warrick says:
The only problem I have with it is the stairs. Mainly the railings going up, both need to continue the whole way. looks dis-jointed
and don't like the safety glass as well.
Roscoe says:
Divine Design! I