I have been on a neutral kick lately but I do appreciate when designs incorporate a bit of rustic with splashes of colour. This 97 m² apartment in the south of São Paulo, Brazil blends both beautifully. (Via Casa.com.br)
A home for happy, peppy people! The lighting choices are excellent; along with the 'triple bottle' theme, they help unify the space in their own small way.
nadia py says:
Love the combination concrete and wood! And especially the bathroom! looooove the tiles!
Marilyn says:
I love this! I love the color blue door
Vidya Sudarsan says:
Love the way tiles are mixed together in that bathroom… and a splash of yellow can brighten any kitchen 🙂
oregonbird says:
A home for happy, peppy people! The lighting choices are excellent; along with the 'triple bottle' theme, they help unify the space in their own small way.