Today’s reader’s home comes from Phyllis of Henhurst Interiors, and boy is it a DOOZIE!
The house was built in 1913, a traditional and modest Vermont village house, with an unfortunate 1980’s addition of a downstairs bedroom (that was the room off the kitchen we turned into a seating area.) The house had not had many improvements (there was no heat being directed to the second level, just a single open grate in the floor of one of the bedrooms) and anything that was added we ripped out (rough built-ins and an ill-positioned wood stove.) We took some walls down to the studs, moved doors to make spaces more functional, and gutted the single existing bathroom which also housed the washer and dryer. We built an addition containing a mudroom, powder room and garage on the first level and an office, laundry room and master bedroom suite above. The addition was designed in the vernacular of the original house and of this region, and in the new section we replicated the interior doors and oil-rubbed bronze hardware that were found in the old section. We also replaced all the windows with energy efficient ones in the same ‘ six over one’ configuration of the originals and replaced the exterior cedar shakes that were the siding with wood clapboards. When we bought the house it looked like a sea shanty. It was a sad and neglected ugly duckling, and to someone else it might have been a tear-down, but I knew right away we could make it beautiful. I have added before and after photos of the bath as well as exterior photos so you can see how tragic is really was. This is a perfect example of a renovation that maintains the original vibe of the home – inside and out. It’s absolutely beautiful and was obviously a labour of love for Phyllis. I am thoroughly impressed.
Here is a before photo of the exterior:
It’s cute, but OMG check out the new exterior with addition:
And here are some before photos of the neglected interior:
You won’t believe the transformation….
A before photo of the only washroom:
Here it is with a complete overhaul:
Kristin Peake Interiors says:
Night and day difference. The changes are stunning, and they make for a gorgeous home. Stop by whenever you can 🙂
Sarah says:
Wow, this is an amazing transformation! Now the exterior and interior build a unit and the difference to before is really huge. It looks so bright and friendly and welcoming! I'm really impressed 😀
Cussot says:
Wow, such a nice job! It's interesting that you didn't change the basic layout of the kitchen appliances. Why mess with a fundamentally sound arrangement? That kitchen must be a dream to use.
Ruth says:
Wow, that wooden floor!!!
Annie Rasmussen says:
When I got to that first "after" photo, I literally gasped aloud! This is so lovely. Phyllis, you deserve a prize. Your award is that you get to live in this house!
cockatoopete says:
Perseverance has certainly paid off in spades. Truly beautiful, yet sympathetic and faithful. When I see these results, I wonder what the previous owners would say?
Natasha McEachron says:
Well done! Quite a big difference. The house looks bright and cheery.
rooth says:
Wow, this is wonderful – love the light and brightness now!
bec says:
phyllis has an amazing blog and a divine home… I love everything she does!
Bec x
negar says:
Amazing transformation..The bright colour brings better light to the house.