Resting gently on the sand dune just up from a pristine beach on New Zealand’s Coromandel beach is a hut, a simple yet not so simple beach hut. Only 40 square metres it makes the most of every bit of space to provide a beach side getaway for a family of five. It can be closed to the elements yet with the turn of a wheel and the push of glass walls it opens to the view. Oh the view! Worth it don’t you think. What makes this little self contained hut even more special is that it sits on two sleds that, with a little effort from a sturdy tractor, can make repositioning the home in response to the ever changing beachfront easy. It sits lightly upon the land this simple, clever hut. Beach side living stripped back to its elegant basics. It was time to go back and explore the portolio of Auckland based Crosson Clarke Carnachan Architects again. So glad I did.
Tiffany says:
That is brilliant. I think the Kiwis have been doing some amazing reimagining of the humble bach for a while now.
SuperSugar says:
To be able to open the whole of one wall to the wonderful views of New Zealand is all I wish for. I wonder if it's available for holiday rental.
EnthusedMonkey says:
Crikey, this shack is dreamy. Trying to figure out how to convert a garden shed now!
Sparky says:
It looks like it has its own containers of fresh water, but how easy is it to hook up or plug into an electrical source? It's a darling little place!
Melanie says:
I love the idea of a transient home. But with views like that! I might take up permanent residence.