Stalking leftovers from my bed

Posted on Sat, 22 Mar 2014 by midcenturyjo

Please forgive me while I honk my nose, cough and splutter, moan and whine and tetchily demand copious cups of herbal tea. I’m in bed with a head cold or the flu or some life threatening disease… my husband’s life if he takes much longer with that lemon tea. I’m such a sad and sorry invalid. I may feel like I’m on death’s door but I can still stalk and when I’m sick I’m extra fussy. Not quite right, bad photos, I need more photos please, house is amazing furniture is deplorable or no furniture at all! Can’t quite put my finger on it listings with something that has me nodding “yes”. This week’s leftovers include a couple of 50s/60s gem, one in particular that is in a sorry state but oh the potential and some bookshelves up under the eaves crying out for books. All via

Oregonbird says:

Get better soon! It's just the change-over! And other unhelpful exclamations. LOVE that last picture, I could do so very much with that space.

Monika says:

Hope the tea with lemon and honey was worth the wait 😉 For dinner, you should send him out in search of some hot and sour soup — does wonders for sinuses!

I too am completely enchanted and totally excited with that last one — stunning!

jane says:

hope you feel better soon!

katharina says:

hope you already feel better. thanks for sharing. you found some beautiful homes in your fever delirium! love the last three the most!

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