It’s that time of the week. The ones that almost made the cut but then didn’t because I hummed and hawed and changed my mind. My stalking leftovers. Why? I’m very fussy. Call me particular, finicky, choosy and hard to please. Not quite right, bad photos, I need more photos please, house is amazing furniture is deplorable or no furniture at all! Can’t quite put my finger on it listings with something that has me nodding “yes”. This week’s finds include a house I chose because of a maidenhair fern, a red polar bear in the backyard, the country home and gardens of an interior designer whose life was shockingly cut short, a kitchen that no one must use and a warehouse space with amazing ceiling screaming for a makeover, steampunk perhaps? All via
Rachael says:
I saw this one in Perth that you might like –
Betsy says:
Utterly enchanting…11 School Road. What a find. Your best yet. Hands down. Five stars.