This right here is my dream summer home. A sprawling stone mansion in the middle of the countryside. What a magnificent canvas – oh the fun I would have decorating this! It is the home of shoe designer Michel Perry and his family located in Bourgogne, France. Rustic at its absolute finest. (Photographed by Jean-François Jaussaud).
Thelma says:
Awesome! I kind of want to be them…
Sparky says:
Jared Hayden says:
I'll try to think of a comment as soon as I'm done picking my jaw up off the floor.
magdalena says:
That's the way to approach a centuries old building. Just a few very tasteful personal touches.
After all this castle has seen a lot, will see much more….and we are just a grain of dust passing by.
Olga says:
Old home it is not funny. We are with kids always sick(( renaissance home in Austria. Mauer >1 m.
Monika says:
I want to live in this place so much it hurts…
Jeez it's gorgeous! Intelligent, sexy… the sort of place where you know you will have great conversations and meals.
oregonbird says:
Then again, Olga brings up a very valid point.
Natalia de la peña says:
Thanks for sharing these wonderful stories.
jose luis garcia says:
That’s the way to approach a centuries old building. Just a few very tasteful personal touches.
After all this castle has seen a lot, will see much more….and we are just a grain of dust passing by.