A few months back simone had left a comment about a site called RIOetc that features “hipster houses in Rio de Janeiro”. I had totally forgotten about it until recently and I was pleasantly surprised to find not necessarily what I would call “hipster” homes but some really fun and creatively decorated spaces. The site was started back in 2007 by Renata Abranchs (fashion consultant) and Tiago Petrik (journalist). At the time Rio had a bad rap so they wanted to praise their beautiful city through its inhabitants and their creative capacity in a positive, colourful way (or something along those lines says Google Translate). And they feature all sorts of other Rio goodies like streetstyle, music, and street art. My fav new site!
Dana says:
I love this post and I disagree that everything needs to be architectural. I love the design inspiration because while I can't change the architecture of where I live, I can certainly change the décor and I find MUCH inspiration on Desire to Inspire.
bev65 says:
I would just point out that this is DESIRE TO INSPIRE which by its very name, expresses an intent to INSPIRE….not Architectural Digest.
Véronique (Berenice Big ! Blog) says:
J'adore ! Vive l'architecture et vive la décoration ! Ce bel intérieur est inspirant…
Merci pour ce bel article !
KiM says:
If anyone comes here expecting only to find Architectural Digest-y posts, you'll be very disappointed.
R says:
I'm with Steve on this one. I was browsing the archives and there was such a nice balance between design, architecture and decor. These days it is more decor, and decor in that Apartment Therapy way Steve is talking about. Your old entries had some fierce design and decor .
Kimberly says:
Just had to point out that Architectural Digest isn't even about architecture. It's a decorator's magazine. If you all wanted to talk about architecture rag's then you must have meant Architecture Record or Dwell. Desire to Inspire often has fantastic architecture posts. They also have great decorator posts and the post above definitely falls in that category. Its inspiring. There are great ideas there that would be easy to implement for not much cash. That's a different level or inspiration. Plus look at the colors, composition, the photos are beautiful. That's inspiring too.
bev65 says:
Its like television people. If you don't like the programming, change the f-ing channel.
ciely says:
If your blog mission is the DESIRE to INSPIRE
I'd say Mission Accomplished! Example…
Vivid colors always frightened me in decor,
yet I found the RIOetc post enchanting.
I think I'd like to add something lime green and fuchsia to a room.
Dana D says:
I have to say that Desire to Inspire is the only design blog that keeps me consistently interested…for its myriad wonderful, surprising, curious and sometimes personal posts. I don't always like the spaces, but I always feel pushed to look with different eyes and that makes me more open and creative. There is something for everyone in these posts, but I also agree that if you don't like a blog space that you are viewing, find a new one. And please do it quietly, without being critical.
KiM says:
Thank you all for the kind words towards our wee blog. 🙂