I fell in love/hate with this cottage/home in Spain featured in a recent issue of Nuevo Estilo. It’s huge open layout is perfect for cottage life and would be a fantastic gathering space of lots of friends and family. The combination of rustic (reclaimed wood, stone) mixed with a leather chesterfield and plaid chair also joined with some mid-century chairs and tables – bringing such disparate pieces together really works here. However, I am baffled by all of the window treatments – massively long purple curtains (why purple? WHY??) and blinds hung way too high. AGH!! The one red, one silver light fixtures in the bathroom…bad idea. (I won’t even discuss the bedding). And it is disappointing to see such a lazy approach to the ceiling and beams. Spraying it ALL white instead of leaving some of the raw wood showing, or at least the steal pieces. (Designed by Kotablue and Mercedes de las Heras)
d of dogland says:
Hi Kim,
This probably won't change the way you feel about the window treatments but, it's another perspective.
Often times, it helps to hang the the window treatments high to alleviate that "fishbowl" look or feel. It really does help to make the space feel airier. If you were in the room and saw the window treatments mounted both high and low you might just change your opinion. Lower might just feel wrong. . .that gut feel.
Wood blinds are often mounted high. When raised, wood blinds mounted on the window moulding or close to it can cover half the window or more. When you raise your blinds you're probably doing it because you want to let light in or see out. It would suck if the blinds ended up covering half the window.
Gotta say, I really kinda like this place and I'm am not a purple person.
KiM says:
I'm all for hanging curtain rods fairly high above a window frame, but I think it looks ridiculous with blinds. IMHO.
María says:
Adore the leather sofa! And also the bathroom!!!
Lots of love, xx
Jay says:
There are elements of this home that I possibly couldn't live with, BUT at least it looks like a home to enjoy, rather than a turn of the century cottage with a extension on the back with no relevance or reverence to the original architecture, and the obligatory white walls and kitchen /dining/lounge combination that is so prevalent at the moment….
Ruth says:
Thanks for the post! It's intriguing…I keep liking then not liking this home. It shifts on me!
jenny says:
Funny, I've always loved DTI – followed you for years – not only because of the gorgeous spaces you post, but because you were always snark-free. This post surprised me a little…and not in a good way. Keep up the good work, but maybe don't write a long post if you're feeling hyper-critical? This was one of the last bastions of positivity in my regular feed… Best – Jenny
KiM says:
I apologize for voicing my opinion. I did not mean for it to sound snarky, nor was I feeling hyper-critical. I was just really bummed that this awesome place was almost perfect except for a few bits I REALLY didn't like nor understood.
BD says:
Thank you for an excellent post!
That leather sofa is just wow 🙂