Living the coastal life in Sarasota Bay, Florida looks heavenly, especially now that fall has really set in here in Ottawa and mornings are frosty. This home could have gone way wrong (Miami-fied and over-the-top fancy-schmancy) but it is beachy and contemporary and about as casual as you can get in a house this grand, and OMG how gorgeous is that kitchen backsplash?! Great job keeping things cool Studio G Home. (Builder: Steve Murray Homes Photos: Chibi Moku)
Renaud says:
So luxurious indeed. I love the 4 bed bedroom.
Chibi Moku says:
Thanks for sharing our story! It really is such a great design. Best of luck!
Joshua & Natsuko
Chibi Moku
Studio G Home says:
Thank you for showcasing this beautiful home! Love your blog!!