I want to stamp my little foot. I want to roll my eyes and hold my breath. I want to whine and whinge and say it isn’t fair. I WANT this warehouse apartment. NEED this warehouse apartment. LOVE this warehouse apartment. Damn you! I can’t afford the estimated $1.2 million price tag for this one bedroom apartment in my favourite inner city Sydney suburb of Redfern. (Go the Bunnies!) Severe case of stalking envy. Link here while it lasts.
Blanders says:
I'm impressed by how simple it was to modernise that daggy 90s built-in with just some paint on the rear panels and some plants to soften its monumental lines.
If you time traveled back ten years and told people that in 2016 a one bedroom flat in Redfern would cost 1.2 million dollars, they'd laugh at you.
d of dogland says:
Very nice. Very expensive.
April says:
This is the kind of home that I love to visit with it's photos and curiosities surrounded by green plants, wood, and vintage lighting. It's homey and tells a story about its keepers. Every time I visited, I'd find something new to enjoy.