I do have a thing for an old house and of couse it was love at first sight when I saw this Georgian building in the London’s Spitalfields. Just the perfect amount of restoration and renovation. Modern living with a historical emphasis. Even the name has me swooning. The Huguenot Physician’s House by Chris Dyson Architects.
msd0fb says:
Absolutely adore this home. The staircase in the bedroom however gives me the shivers. I would have to give up drinking and the nightly bathroom trips in order to avoid broken bones. The Huguenot Physician"s house, perfection.
Jane McIntyre says:
I loved this post as I am particularly fond of all things Georgian. I delved further, looked at the architect's website and then wrote a comment on my own blog which may or may not be of intereest to you! https://janemcintyredesign.com/musings-rantings/15967a-comment-on-the-huguenot-physicians-house