Stripped bare beauty

Posted on Thu, 21 Feb 2019 by midcenturyjo

It’s like a beautiful woman stripped bare of makeup, in my eyes even more beautiful. This New York country house by Michael Dawkins Home has amazing bones but it’s simple colour palette of black and white, its exposed posts and beams as well as those lusciously naked floors that allow the carefully curated furniture pieces and objet to shine … or should that be subtlely glow.

Rita Harowitz says:

wow, that’s super! so beautifully curated. And thank you so much for your blog. i read it all the time and have never let you know just how much i love it. You have one of the most consistently best home design blogs out there.

KiM says:

*blushing* thank you so much Rita!!!

Edgar says:

Agreed. Consistent. Best.

KiM says:


Maria R Mayoral Jiménez says:

mucho, muchísimo más que bonito.

Patricia Rauss says:

This house is mind boggling! Nothing could enhance the objects better than the natural floors…beautiful. And the black and the beams…what an eye! Au natural.

And yes, addicted to your blog. Once I start, don’t get anything else done!

Tracy says:

What kind of floors are these? Very pretty!

Daniele says:

What kid of wood is that? The floor is really stunning!

Michael says:

Could you share the paint Colour and brand please?

Stacy Eatmon says:

Absolutely gorgeous! What are the floors, please?

Denise Fuller says:

I LOVE the floors. But my question is how do you maintain them… what if you spill something on them? Did you put any kind of polyurethane on them. Absolutely beautiful!!! 😍😍😍😍

Katherine Boucher says:

Are the floors done with lye, or simply waxed?

Jane Russell says:

I can’t see any replies to the above questions about your floor treatment. Not sure if you’ve replied to each question, but thought I’d ask anyway. Are they waxed or do they have some sort of treatment on them. They are spectacular!

KiM says:

You’d have to reach out to the designer we reference in the intro for details

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