The new classic by Cass + Nico

Posted on Thu, 19 Mar 2020 by midcenturyjo

Timeless and refined yet with a casual, modern take on apartment living. The kitchen and living areas of this Nob Hill home by San Francisco based interior designers Cass + Nico features a rich mix of bespoke and the carefully curated with an emphasis on materials, texture and light. The new classic living.

Photography by Bess Friday

axie says:

I just wanted to let you both know that as crazy as things seem to be, like clock-work, you guys are here posting beauty, creativity and sanity for the rest of us- and we appreciate it!

Thank you for your time and continued caring. Stay safe and healthy xoxoxo

midcenturyjo says:

Thanks axie! Stay safe yourself and we’ll all celebrate on the other side.

Marie says:

More blandness – and it’s not even Australian!

Feel it’s time, in these uncertain days, for a repost of the happiness and colour of your Mexican holiday – embrace life xo

Katie says:

What we need at this uncertain time is a lot more kindness and flippant, rude remarks are not kind IMO. Say you don’t like something. Be funny if you want. Just not rude. Stay safe everyone 🙂

Marie says:

Apologies, wasn’t meant to be rude. I have had an ongoing gripe with the blandness of Australian interior design, not to be confused with the choice of posts here (big fan of Desire) a mix which I enjoy.

An homogenous blandness is taking over the world…ultimately I blame the Scandinavians 😉

The Mexican holiday posts are a brilliant blast of happy.

KiM says:

There is no Mexican holiday. I have to cancel my trip (we were due to leave April 1).

atma says:

I am so sorry! These are strange times we’re living in. Chiming in with the thank you choir, so great to get to your posts every day!

Blanders says:

That kitchen layout is gorgeous – the lack of upper cabinets opens up the room and makes it less utilitarian. But speaking of utilitarian… where’s the fridge? Do rich people not have fridges now?

Beata says:

I wanted to ask exactly the same question: where is the fridge and oven? … however there is a sliding door off the kitchen – there may be a pantry/utility with a huge double fridge, washing machine and double oven 😉

Asha says:

This is restrained, tasteful, and understated. It is NOT boring! There are interesting features (like the fireplace and kitchen ceiling) and unique furniture choices (Luigi Crassevig rockers and shaker-style benches) everywhere. The next post (the “masculine” loft in Austin) is boring af, however.

rita says:

beautiful space!

yes, thank you Kim and Jo. You have been my go to mood enhancer every morning for a long time!

Thank you so much, especially now, for providing this inspiring and positive distraction.

KiM says:

Thank you for being a long time reader rita!!!

Emmanuelle G. says:

Beautiful and cozy interior. I could move in right away! Thank you very much.

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