Old versus new. American desert and French Provincial. Rustic stone juxtaposed with smooth plaster and tiles. Inside reaches out through walls of steel and glass and climbing through it all is a sinuous staircase of wood and iron. Rough luxe versus sophisticated modern living. At its heart this rambling stone edifice is first and foremost a gathering place for family and friends. Private residence #4 at Silverleaf Scottsdale, Arizona OZ Architects.
Taste of France says:
The interiors are exquisite, and the garden, too. The exterior looks like it’s been lifted straight out of a French lotissement, or subdivision, where McMansions multiply like cancerous tumors on the countryside. The worst are when stands of forest are cut down to make way for big, watered lawns. Not knocking the design but the “pave paradise” build-build-build mentality found here and there.
Design-wise, the stone walls are particularly beautiful and look very authentic–not like faux stone. Also like the mix of modern and old.
Ann says:
Out of a french lotissement I don’t think so . Too fussy, too many of everything to be french!
xavier reis says:
Such a beautiful home. I just loved the stone walls and the exterior.
elise says:
would quarantine here in a heartbeat.
Pete says:
Beautiful home. Most impractical kitchen. Love your work, girls