What an absolutely beautiful, vintage-filled apartment this is! Located in Malasaña, Madrid, it is filled with many eclectic and unexpected touches that make it really unique. That screen above is to die for, the sofa cover is GORG (LOVE the draped arms), lots of modern artwork and bits of wallpaper for some added pattern. And there’s even a tree. Designed by Pepe Leal.
Photos: Belén Imaz
Yoni says:
love it! Looks fun and lively.
Leslie-Anne says:
The Yeats quote on the stairs! I’m dying! This place is magic.
Ana says:
Very, very beautiful apartment. Also, very refreshing to see a kitchen that is actually used. 🙂
mfamb says:
obsessed. nice to see people not playing by the rules. looks personal and interesting.