I am curious… if you purchased a very old home with loads of character, complete with peeling wallpaper, peeling paint, original doors and windows etc…..how much would you want to keep vs salvage and live with? Kudos to the owners of this home in Pau, France (Lisa and Julien Ménard and their 5 kids) for maintaining much of the period details. Stripping it of its history would have been cruel. (Via The Socialite Family, photos by Eve Campestrini)
Angie says:
I would leave a great deal of it. I would need to do some work on the kitchen but I’d keep the casual, vintage feel.
Suzanne Melton says:
Lovely, but the bathroom floor concerns me.
KiM says:
Looks like it could be a work in progress 🙂
Amy says:
Perfection as is. Adore its charm!
Paul D Johnson says:
A friend sent me this as it’s very similar to my house in France. I love the period details but all that clutter would drive me insane. Appreciate that’s just my personal opinion. My friend loves it.