A Wisconsin Lakeside Villa

Posted on Fri, 30 Jun 2023 by KiM

I saw these photos in the portfolio of Palm Beach and Wisconsin based interior designer Jessica Jubelirer and thought WOW what incredible homes she has worked her magic on…. and then I discovered from this AD article these are all from the same very VERY large home in Wisconsin. Not only is this home insanely huge (14,000-square-foot, six-bedroom, numerous sitting rooms and dining rooms, a mudroom with flower cutting station, bowling alley, gym, swanky garage) but each space is like it’s own little world with tons of character and personality – a little surprise as you move from one room to the next. What a dreamy home! Photos: Douglas Friedman; styling: Mieke ten Have.

barb says:

There’s no common thread in this design
whatsoever – a hodge podge, Sorry

Sue Reynolds says:

Seriously? Our Mother Earth is literally dying and you choose to celebrate this paean to profound and conspicuous excess?
Choose to be better.

Samantha says:


Arlene says:

You’re in a home décor site. What we’re you expecting?

Claudia says:

Wow. Es sorprendente de principio a fin. Quiero vivir ahí

atma says:

So refreshing to see all the rooms be allowed their own personality instead of being crammed into a theme

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