This is Ben and Charlie’s own house, tucked away on an estuary in the far west coast of Scotland. Ben and Charlie found the tiny pair of buildings – a Victorian two-roomed cottage and a much early stone bothy – in derelict and unloved condition – in 2018, after a long search for something untouched and unspoiled. The Victorian cottage had intact match boarding to the interiors, and we took the decision to keep this completely intact – re-wiring the two rooms with simple galvanised surface mounted conduit in order not to damage the historic interior. The stone bothy was stripped back to rough stone walls. Both buildings have been furnished with a different atmosphere to suit their age and character. The bothy forms a simple, basic kitchen, and the cottage contains a tiny sitting room and bedroom. There is as yet no running water or heating, but in 2023 Ben and Charlie are building a third new bothy to the west of the two original houses to provide a little more creature comfort.
This is so beautiful I could cry. Ben Pentreath must feel privileged to be the proprietor of such a magical space.
Samantha says:
Dianne says:
When I showed this to a Scottish friend, she called the 2-room cottage a “but and ben”. Here’s a link I found to describe it…
KiM says:
Ha! I love that 😁
Lynn says:
Very nice. I already feel at home! Thank you.
April says:
Reminds me of our family summer cottage.