Nestled amidst the sandy beaches and vast fields of Sweden’s largest island, Gotland, Sheep House stands as a testament to the harmonious blending of history and modernity. This traditional 18th-century limestone barn has undergone a remarkable transformation into a contemporary farmhouse on the shores of the Baltic Sea.
Over a span of two years, PALTA meticulously renovated the kitchen and primary bathroom, meticulously restored the original 18th-century salt cellar, constructed a charming farmhouse pantry, and designed the interiors of both primary and guest bedrooms, as well as a spacious lofted living area. Collaborating closely with local artisans, the property was authentically restored, showcasing exquisite Gotland limestone countertops, bespoke oak cabinetry crafted by local artisans, and a curated selection of antique pieces sourced from the island’s renowned thrift community. The result is a unique blend of old-world charm and modern comfort, seamlessly integrated into the island’s picturesque landscape.