Jungle in the concrete

Posted on Tue, 16 Apr 2024 by midcenturyjo

“A sleek mod­ern home char­ac­terised by its con­crete, tim­ber, and steel struc­ture. This design called for a gar­den that echoed the same aes­thet­ic while soft­en­ing the edges and infus­ing move­ment and vital­i­ty into the built environment. Com­ple­men­tary dark stone step­pers and fab­ri­cat­ed steel wood stor­age sit along­side the stur­dy mate­r­i­al palette. Creep­ing vines, sway­ing palms, and tac­tile ground cov­ers soft­en the fin­ish, adding lush­ness to the home.”

This entry courtyard by Wyer & Co. is a lush little jewel, a statement made with abundant greenery, a jungle in the concrete.

Photography by Pablo Veiga.

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