
Posted on Tue, 7 May 2013 by midcenturyjo

The Southern Highlands, New South Wales. A land of plenty. A land of beauty. A land of hospitality and largesse. A home to match. Restrained luxury. Modern sensibility. A stylish standout. Interior design by Sarah Davison.

Interior designer, real estate maven, stager, design concierge, kitchen and bathroom expert. Meet Kathleen Perkins and the latest of her latest brownstone renovation a 19th century carriage house in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. An amazing mix of carefully restored original features, contemporary style and Asian influences. A fabulous retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city that never sleeps. It’s no fluke though. Kathleen has renovated 5 brownstones in the past seven years!

Copa Luxury Beach House

Posted on Mon, 6 May 2013 by midcenturyjo

Take me away. Please, please take me away. It’s Monday. I’m swamped. I can’t remember when I last had a day off and I just want to melt into a comfy chair, read a soppy book (really just fall asleep) and forget all the stress and deadlines. Here. Here is perfect. Copa Luxury Beach House. I don’t need to weave a story. The pictures tell it all. Literally.

Stalking Armadale

Posted on Mon, 6 May 2013 by midcenturyjo

Hiding behind a prim and proper facade is something just a little out of the box. Several boxes in fact. Cantilevered and almost tumbling down to the pool. A modern extension to an historic home. A home with drama. Stalking expensive boxes in Armadale, Victoria. Link here while it lasts.

Irving’s home

Posted on Sat, 4 May 2013 by midcenturyjo

Perched above the streets of New York is the home of Irving Diaz-Burg. “The apartment is in a new construction, utilitarian high-rise building by Toll Brothers’ located at 110 Third Avenue, with floor to ceiling windows and amounts to a well-considered 850 square feet,” writes Irving who works in  architecture as a Project Coordinator and Marketing Manager. It’s not hard to see how Irving has honed his fabulous sense of style. “I have been working in high-end architecture and interiors for a number of years.  I was an art history major with a practical background ranging from furniture specification, to whole event planning to assisting project managers on all levels of organization and project actualization.  This has been a great outlet for my creativity, organizational and social skills…” What a wonderful contemporary apartment Irving! Super stylish living in the Big Apple. And for all the readers who will want to know what and where and how to get their hands on various pieces in the pictures you’ll find a comprehensive resource list here. You wouldn’t expect anything else from a Project Coordinator 😉