It appears this blog of ours was spotted by Blogger folks today. We are listed on their “Blogs of Note” section. What a huge honour. Thanks to whoever at Blogger was responsible for this and a big thanks to all our fellow bloggers who noticed and are paying us a visit. 🙂
Amrita says:
Your work is wonderful.Inspires me to make my shack artistic.
Bhavna says:
Congratulations Jo and Kim! :-)…Desire to Inspire is definitely a notable blog of note! 🙂
midcenturyjo says:
Thanks everyone, new readers and especially old! Kim and I appreciate all the kind words.
Linda says:
I love this blog!!! I will be checking it often and congrats to you!
JHAYNE says:
just getting in line to give you gals a pat on the shoulder 😉 it’s been love at first sight, keep up the amazing work!
Anna says:
This is fantastic – what a buzz you must be feeling!!! Good on you!XAnna
Me, Myself, & I says:
Congrats. It is well deserved. Your blog is one of my favorites.
Kellie says:
Congrats! I love checking out new blogs so I’m glad I ran across this. Great blog.
kim. says:
Thanks Linda, Jhayne, Anna, MM&I and Kellie!
180/360 says:
I know everyone has already said it, but I love this blog, too. It’s the only one of this sort I go to. You both do an amazing job of finding these photos and sharing them with people around the world. Congrats!