I’ve been so busy at work and most thrift shops have been closed. What’s a girl to do? Take a holiday of course! I’m not posting or going to work next week so I can….. wait for it….. paint my apartment. Sorry I don’t know how to relax. Only a few finds this week. Two little frames that I’ll add to a grouping I’m doing for the lounge room. The gold one will be painted white and the vintage mirror frame will be home for one of my peacock prints. Can’t show you all of my new etsy letterpress. Bad cuss words. Got it at rar rar press, full of fab and funny letterpress goodies. Kim will be posting all week and I’ve seen the cool stuff she has found. I’ll drop in occasionally to say hi if I have the time. Have a great New Year everyone!
Anonymous says:
Love that table and those chairs -great fabric 🙂
Jenny C
Bhavna says:
Happy vacation Jo! :-)….I know what you mean when you say ‘i can’t relax’…most of the times my ‘vacations’ are more busy than non-vacation days!
kim. says:
I have such a sailor mouth I should totally buy that print. It would fit right into my home. Love the mirrored frame. And I’ll say it again, I’m so sorry you can only paint your apartment white. That would be hell for me.
midcenturyjo says:
Entrance hall is almost done 🙂 But I forgot to buy the white gloss paint for the back of the door. DOH!
beth says:
Hi guys,
Thanks for mentioning my blog on 21/12. I hope you don’t mind me using some images you’ve posted – they’re so beautiful. I’ve enjoyed your blog this year, and will be an avid fan again in 2008.