There are many countries I’d love to visit, and Italy is at the top of the list. I think it would be a wonderful experience to see where my mom came from. After visiting the website of Italian photographer Adriano Bacchella, it’s like I’ve already been! The villas he has photographed are so unmistakably Mediterranean and rustic and gorgeous that I want to sit down with a great big bowl of pasta and a glass of vino and take it all in.
Shiloah Baker says:
Love the pics! Love the pink in the kitchen! It’s something I’m going for now myself. 🙂
Elyse says:
How beautiful!!! I completely want my house to have that high-ceilinged living room with the loft and exposed wooden supports (I’m drawing a blank on the proper term right now…).
My mom is going to Italy this summer–I’m so jealous! 😉
kim. says:
My parents are going this fall. I don’t recall getting an invite. 🙁
Grace@PoeticHome says:
These images are so gorgeous!
Patricia Torres says:
All the pics so impressive!! I just love stone walls..
I must say.. that Italy is sure a must visit!! But each place is very different from the other.. like.. Milan from Rome.. and Venice from Florence.. and Napes & Pompei.. have a characteristic of thier own.. All all the places just so impressive.. Its like a dream. I wish to go and live there.. someday!!
bkhdesign says:
I really love the pictures
mvastudios says:
That room with the really low couch or I guess floor pillows reminds me of the Roche Bobois settee that I adore! Oh I’ll have to blog about it!
Raincloud says:
Lovely interiors! So organic and cosy!
Angela says:
Italy is fantastic – I know, I live there! And have seen many of these incredibly gorgeous places. Great to hear you all find it so inspiring as well!
Angela says:
And of course Adriano Bacchella is one of the hottest photographers in Italy…