I love the reto style of this home styled by the fabulous Katrine Martensen-Larsen (and photographed by Kira Brandt). It’s home to Swedish Christin Johansson, her husband Henrik Roloff and their two young children. A fun mix of vintage retro furnishings and funky ceramics, this home has colour and spunk, a nice change from typical Swedish homes.
Maryline says:
I love the yellow accent. Especially the yellow hanging light in the second picture.
Carole says:
I love the baby changing thingy. I’ve not seen one of those before (well only in public loos). Great idea.
Decofabulous says:
I love the the yellow splashes in this home, they make it so unique and memorable. I also love the crochet bed spread as it reminds me of the one my grandmother made for me. I’ve kept it and cherished it for at least 20 years now, perhaps it’s time to put it on display.
Carrie says:
Love every detail about it! Can I move in?
Anna says:
I love every inch of this house! So amazing.
kristina - no penny for them says:
love all those mustardy-yellow splashes of colour!
Rebecca @ cubic dreams says:
Thanks so much for featuring this! I’m in love…… I adore every last detail and will be saving these photos for future inspiration when I move.
jen jafarzadeh says:
the whole house is fantastic! I’ve never seen a cooler crib. Love that it feels vintage (is it?) but is a more modern painted blue.
Danielle@Live.Like.You says:
Fabulous home! I think I am obsessed with Swedish interior design…must be my Swedish heritage (my maiden name is Tuberson…supposed to be Tuvesson, but got butchered at Ellis Island)!
Henrik Roloff says:
Just stumbled over this site when I – and I’m not afraid to admit it – Googled myself.
Thank you all for your remarks. We are pleased with our interiors and we’re very happy to live here. The flat is a teacher’s residence at the Holbaek Art School (www.dasoriginal.dk) in Holbaek, Denmark (not Sweden as some of you thought – although Christin is Swedish, hence the Swedish touch). Nonetheless, we’re about to move to another teacher’s residence (at the ground floor – more suitable with two small kids) so – who knows – perhaps we’ll have new pictures to share with you in the coming autumn.
FYI most the ceramics in our home are made by Christin’s friends Cathrine Paleczny (www.paleczny.net) and Signe Schjøth (www.signes.nu) and – as one of you pointed out – the West German ceramics industry.
The cradle, "baby change thingy" and shelves above the couch, I made myself. Although not a professional, I like to work in wood. In fact, I just opened a small coffee shop completely covered in pine plywood. The bar is also made entirely of plywood. If your’re interested, take a look at this short article from the local newspaper (www.nordvestnyt.dk/artikel/66569:Holbaek–Sig-KAA-til-din-kaffe), which features a picture of my (very) small coffee shop (still don’t have a website).