My 150 year old floor is ruined. There is paint spilled everywhere. The job is as dodgy as all get out and I have a massive weekend of cleaning ahead of me. And this is just one room I’m talking about. I have saved the rest of the house! Please forgive me if I post another stalking house. I find this one calming. So lovely. So restful. So beautifully painted 😉 Wish me luck. I’m heading back upstairs with a bottle of wine and a paint scraper to rescue what is left of the once beautiful patina on my cedar floors. Link for this lovely house here while it lasts.
lynn says:
oh no! the floor! I have a tip to help with the paint though…. the acetone in nail polish remover dissolves all sorts of paint. I worked at a paint factory for a bit and that was one of our clean up tools. Give it a shot- if it doesnt work completely it might help loosen the paint to scrape off a bit easier.
Sugar says:
oh nos. But that house is amazingness. So jealous of whom ever lives there.
Michelle says:
Oh no!! I'm so sorry to hear about your floors.
Savour the wine and know there are folks out there who support you — and, hey, some commenters here might even have a solution to save those beauties!
I've got my fingers crossed for you.
midcenturyjo says:
Thanks everyone! I'm still cleaning and after the floors come the windows particularly the stained glass transom window they oversprayed. I have photos I'll put up later on my page. The problem with the floors is that they have been shellaced a long time ago and these morons started to clean off the spots with methylated spirits and scrapers and now I have lighter coloured big splotches everywhere. They spray painted my room without proper drop cloths or masking off so the floors were covered in paint spots everywhere and a fine mist of white paint which they tried to wipe off and that turned into a "whitewash" all over the floor. Then they used the metho and scraper and now f*cked floors which they said they would repair by varnishing. It was at that stage I screamed at them to get out 🙂 I need to keep cleaning carefully then somehow match a shellac to put over the splotches maybe. Can I put a dark stain base in a shellac does anyone know? All their wiping and scraping has ruined that thick old waxy feel they had but I can maybe get that back over time.
Ypille says:
Bless your heart! hope it just turns out ok in the end. I mostly just DIY my paintings with people I trust. Bon Chance!
ElvisFan says:
Never heard of painters spraying walls?!? Why didn't they use rollers? I think you should leave the floors until you get all the painting done and then hire a wood floor sander and strip back all the floors and re-seal with high grade challac sealer…
You might discover some real character under all that old challac. Good luck. Wish I could help
lea says:
I thought most painters had heard of 'drop sheets'. These guys must have been real dodgy brothers. I really hope you can resurrect.
Heidi says:
Oh no! This reminds us to always protect our floors before starting to paint.
Desire to Inspire says:
These guys did use drop sheets just not enough or thick enough. They spilled so much paint that the sheets were wet with it when I got home. Most had been dumped along the edges of the room. I removed them quick smart before taking the photos to avoid more damage.
We have started the process of pursuing compensation. It will take time though. – Jo
Mark says:
it was a pleasant surprise to find our house on your blog, check it out in the january edition of australian 'Country Style'