Design inspirations from Poland

Posted on Wed, 12 Jan 2011 by KiM

We received the following email recently from Ewelina: I am a young interior designer from Poland (Europe), taking my first steps in designing. It’s not easy in my country to change peoples’ mind and attitude as far as interior design is concerned. Many people still don’t care how they live, but hopefully it’s changing, slowly but still it is. Ewelina sent along photos of 2 of her projects which I’d love to share with our readers. (Check out the second one, my favourite, after the jump).

First set of photos is my latest project of a living room combined with kitchen. It’s an old apartment, so it required to be change almost entirely.The only thing that hasn’t been changed so much, is the kitchen. Before the renovation the kitchen had olive-green colour, so that the room seemed to be sad and dark. Thanks to the great material that it is made of (oak) I decided to change only the colour, despite it would be much easier and cheaper to make a new kitchen. All the shelves where hand-painted!. It took a lot of work form my carpenter 🙂 The living space has a silk curtains and cushions, and a silver and glass accessories, such as table and the bracket next to the door. One of my favourite thing in this interior is a crystal table lamp, it gives romantic, warm light.

My second project, it is the white kitchen that reminds me a bit of Provence. It was a completely new apartment, that didn’t demand many changes, only a good functional project. Characteristic are the scones on the wall. They are shabby chic style and were ordered from France. The kitchen work surface is made from american walnut (so it’s called in Poland 🙂 ).  **Note: I ADORE the lights over the little breakfast bar!

Kasia says:

Congrat ! Charming interior !

xym0x says:

very proper interior and poor staging all in one

to all posting in Polish – little courtesy toward others never hurts

lovedesign says:

I must agree very proper but rather boring interiors lacking the soul, vibe and personality of its owners. I live in Poland and I think people here care very much how they live its just that maybe their aesthetic isn't coherant with what is generally perceived as "fabulous interiors" ;-). Funny that Ewelina talks about educating people in Poland because I have to say her interiors are quite typical for polish interiors. Anyways all said, I wish Ewelina all the best in her future projects 🙂

M. says:

"People here have a great taste for design" jak wiadomo o kwestiach gustu sie nie dysktuje.
Prawda jest taka, ze daleko nam zarowno w edukacji deisgnu, jak i samym wykonczeniu mieszkan do takich poteg jak UK, Wlochy, czy chociazby w Holandii. To co sie musi zmienic to mentalnosc Polakow i jakies uwielbienie do prl-owskich zamilowan, ktore stykamy non stop. Aczkolwie, wiadomo, pomalu jest progress… ale musimy zrobic krok milowy….

Co do podnoszonych kwestii nowobogoactwa, czy braku duszy w mieszkaniu to powinno odniesc sie do osoby, ktora sobie zazyczyla wystroj a nie do osoby, ktora tylko wykonala projekt.Wiadomo… Polacy wiedza wszystko najlepiej.

Zdecydowanie lepiej jest wspierac mlodych, zdolnych artystow, gdyz tylko dzieki temu moga sie rozwijac i szukac natchnieniu wkolo nas. A moze kiedys bedzie tak, ze osoba bedaca wsrod nas za 2-3-5-10 lat bedzie mistrzem? Zastanowmy sie nad krytyka, ktora nie zawsze jest konstruktywna.

A sztuka, to jest sztuka…

Ewelina says:

Thank you for all your positive and negative comments. All of them are very precious to me!
Will give me motivation for my future, better projects!

Ewelina says:

P.S. To Joanna –

Magda says:

Congrats Ewelina!

Paula says:

I like these interiors, too snobish, glamour in my opinion, but ok, they are quite well-composed as we think about colours etc. However I have to disagree with the 'disegner's' opinion on polish style in 'interiors '. As somebody above has constated, what we can see in polish flats/houses, even those 'furnished' with specialised architects, is the result, in half of the architect, but in half of the owner, so estimating in such a pungent way is in my opinion an exageration.


P.S. I'm from Poland ;-).

Carreco says:

Un style très élégant…

hetta says:

rather boring

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