So simple

Posted on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 by KiM

I really REALLY love this simple rod attached to a wall displaying clothing (or a collection of scarves, blankets, art clipped on pant hangers…)

via Dos Family (blogged back here)

Susie says:

I wish I could have white floors~ Just redid my walls white though 🙂

xoxo susie

rooth says:

I so need to do this. I don't have as pretty of clothes but it would be so much easier to pick out what to wear in the mornings

Sophia says:

I had a setup like that, except on a rolling rail. Best system ever. Easy to use and it didn't take up much space.

Milda says:

That's all very good if all of your clothes are of the same color palette… I'd love to do the same, but my red sweaters and flowery dresses look out of place in my greige bedroom:(

Such a great way to display so many things. And it's just so simple and clean.

Elena says:

It's simple, but truly amazing:X

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