The end of the working week at last. You’ve caught me packing a bag. I’m off to my little weekender. Nothing too spectacular. Just a “bijou” 1890 farm in the Mount Macedon area of Victoria. I hope the grass isn’t too long when I get there. It will take me all weekend to mow it! In my dreams. The ready made fantasy old family farm. I’ll never be able to afford it. I’ll console myself with the idea of avoiding mowing the front yard. Link here while it lasts.
Lisa says:
WOW!What a wonderful house!!!Looks so sweet!!!!A great place for vacation!
Jane says:
Thank you for featuring a property from the Macedon Ranges! I live in the area and it really is wonderful! What a beautiful house!!
Jordana @ White Cabana says:
GORGEOUS! My bag is packed. I'm ready to go!
Yeshen Venema says:
I'm getting farmhouse table envy.. thing is with a table like that you need a 40ft kitchen!
Leah says:
I cannot imagine improving on that. It's perfect! I'd
be happy to wake up with the sun!
Michaela - Mela Rooms says:
Wow, what a perfect house. I will probably dream of it tonight 😉
Regards Michaela – Mela Rooms
stepanka says:
I wanna live there. And sleep all day and read books in that garden. PLEASE.
Gawker says:
Just beautiful
Carmen Brodeur says:
Wow the green grass is something I crave. Currently living in the desert in Scottsdale – we don't have much grass here 🙂
Melanie says: